
Please check out our DBDP-related publications below!
  1. Wang, W. K., J. Yang, L. Hershkovich, H. Jeong, B. Chen, K. Singh, A. R. Roghanizad, M. M. H. Shandhi, A. R. Spector, and J. Dunn. “Addressing wearable sleep tracking inequity: a new dataset and novel methods for a population with sleep disorders.” In Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, 248:380–96, 2024.
  2. Shandhi, Md Mobashir Hasan, Peter J. Cho, Ali R. Roghanizad, Karnika Singh, Will Wang, Oana M. Enache, Amanda Stern, et al. “A method for intelligent allocation of diagnostic testing by leveraging data from commercial wearable devices: a case study on COVID-19.” NPJ Digit Med 5, no. 1 (September 1, 2022): 130.
  3. Bent, Brinnae, Peter J. Cho, Maria Henriquez, April Wittmann, Connie Thacker, Mark Feinglos, Matthew J. Crowley, and Jessilyn P. Dunn. “Engineering digital biomarkers of interstitial glucose from noninvasive smartwatches.” NPJ Digit Med 4, no. 1 (June 2, 2021): 89.
  4. Bent, Brinnae, Peter J. Cho, April Wittmann, Connie Thacker, Srikanth Muppidi, Michael Snyder, Matthew J. Crowley, Mark Feinglos, and Jessilyn P. Dunn. “Non-invasive wearables for remote monitoring of HbA1c and glucose variability: proof of concept.” BMJ Open Diabetes Res Care 9, no. 1 (June 2021).
  5. Bent, Brinnae, Oana M. Enache, Benjamin Goldstein, Warren Kibbe, and Jessilyn P. Dunn. “Reply: Matters Arising 'Investigating sources of inaccuracy in wearable optical heart rate sensors'.” NPJ Digit Med 4, no. 1 (February 26, 2021): 39.
  6. Bent, Brinnae, Baiying Lu, Juseong Kim, and Jessilyn P. Dunn. “Biosignal Compression Toolbox for Digital Biomarker Discovery.” Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) 21, no. 2 (January 2021): E516.
  7. Bent, Brinnae, Maria Henriquez, and Jessilyn Dunn. “Cgmquantify: Python and R Software Packages for Comprehensive Analysis of Interstitial Glucose and Glycemic Variability from Continuous Glucose Monitor Data.” IEEE Open Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biology 2 (January 2021): 263–66.
  8. Bent, Brinnae, Ke Wang, Emilia Grzesiak, Chentian Jiang, Yuankai Qi, Yihang Jiang, Peter Cho, et al. “The digital biomarker discovery pipeline: An open-source software platform for the development of digital biomarkers using mHealth and wearables data.” Journal of Clinical and Translational Science 5, no. 1 (July 2020): e19.
  9. Jiang, Yihang, Yuankai Qi, Will Ke Wang, Brinnae Bent, Robert Avram, Jeffrey Olgin, and Jessilyn Dunn. “EventDTW: An Improved Dynamic Time Warping Algorithm for Aligning Biomedical Signals of Nonuniform Sampling Frequencies.” Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) 20, no. 9 (May 2020): E2700.
  10. Jiang, C., L. Faroqi, L. Palaniappan, and J. Dunn. “Estimating personal resting heart rate from wearable biosensor data.” In 2019 IEEE EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics, BHI 2019 - Proceedings, 2019.